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Created in 1992 , TLH POLSKA is located in the north-west of Poland, in the middle of big forests, rich of sylvester pine, beech and oak .

TLH POLSKA is one of the leading companies in Europe for the production of laminated scantlings for joinery, with more than 40 years experience in this domain.
Known for the quality of his products and his perfect control of gluing process,
TLH POLSKA is offering to his customers a large range of products in local species (pine, beech and oak) and a lot of different products constructions.
More than 30 000 m3 of scantlings are produced every year and exported in all Europe. TLH POLSKA is investing every year a large part of his turnover to insure high quality production and always improve process. A high frequency press has been installed in 2016 and new other investments in finger-jointing and cutting line are expected for 2018 .
TLH POLSKA is offering FSC certified products and some gluing certifications as CTB LCA one, delivered by French Institute FCBA for all his pine-beech-oak products

TREFOREST France is agent for TLH POLSKA in France since 2002


(Serbie et Slovaquie)

Created in 1989 , MICROTRI is an important family group, specialised in sawing and processing beech.
located in Serbia, 2 sawmills of a total capicity of 60 000 m3 of logs are supplying 2 panels factories.

The first one in Serbia, is specialised in finger-jointed products (panels, poles, tablets..) and is producing about 4000 m3 every year of finished products.

The second factory is in Slovakia and is one of the best european specialist of solid panels (without finger-joints) with a particular nice selection of colors and wood grains. Production is about 4000 m3 per year.

MICROTRI is giving flexibility of a human size factory and industrial rigour necessar to insure delivery and quality requirements.
TREFOREST France is agent for MICROTRI in France since 2004.


Le Groupe CORDES est un des leaders dans l’importation et la production de bois en EUROPE, et compte plus de 10 entreprises de transformation en Europe;
Treforest représente en France l’entité CORDES HOLZ (BREMERHAVEN) spécialisée dans la production de Bois massifs reconstitués (en épicéa, pin et douglas), le rabotage et la production de panneaux épicéa et pin.

CORDES HOLZ offre annuellement 450 000 m3 de produits bois pour la construction, l’aménagement intérieur et le jardin.
Treforest collabore occasionnellement avec HOLZ HENKEL, filiale import-distribution du Groupe Cordes qui offre une multitude d’essences et de produits du monde entier (mélèze et douglas Canada, Dark Red Meranti, lames terrasses bois exotique …).


Groupe Bois & Dérivés

In his actual form, Groupe Bois & Dérivés has been created in the beginning of the 2010 years but has a more than 50 years tradition in softwood processing.

Several merger and acquisition have given to Groupe Bois & Dérivés his actual structure, a company covering all wood processing from the forest to the finish products.
ARGIL is the branch specialised in forest harvesting, treating more than 100 000 m3 logs per year and supplying a lot of sawmills in the south-west of France and particularly the 2 sawmills of Groupe Bois & Dérivés, ARBOS.
ARBOS sawmills located in Egletons are processing every year about 85 000 m3 of softwood logs with more and more Limousin douglas and are offering lumbers for construction (Egletons) or for packaging industry (Allassac)
ARBOPAL is the subsidiary specialised in wood packaging production, offering a large choice of very technical products in small or big quantities.

TREFOREST France is agent for Groupe Bois & Dérivés since 2016.


X TIMBER est une entreprise italienne située dans les DOLOMITES, à la pointe de la technologie et assurant le sciage et la transformation d’épicéa de montagne de très belle qualité . En aval de sa scierie (nouvelle scierie en construction pour 2024), X TIMBER transforme les sciages dans une usine ultra-moderne en composants aboutés, collés, contrecollés, replaqués… Cette production bien spécifique s’adresse aux industriels de la menuiserie (portes), ainsi qu’aux fabricants de meubles, moulures ou agenceurs.


KPPD est un des leaders polonais de l’industrie du bois. Avec 11 scieries dont 2 de feuillus et une capacité annuelle de 450 000 m3, KPPD offre une gamme très large de produits destinés à l’aménagement extérieur (lames de terrasses, poteaux, traverses…) mais aussi à la construction (bois d’ossature, bois rabotés …) en Pin traité. Ses filiales « feuillus » offrent un large choix de panneaux aboutés en hêtre, chêne et frêne mais aussi des composants aboutés pour l’industrie de la porte.


TREFOREST France is also working with some other suppliers in all Europe for hardwood products (oak and beech) or softwood laminated products.
All the producers selected by TREFOREST France coming from France, Estonia or Poland, are offering quality products, good delivery time and are an efficient complement to exisiting products portfolio.

Phone: +33 671 738 192 • eMail : contact@treforest-france.fr

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